Herbal supplements have been a part of medical treatment for centuries. In fact, a recent study shows that 80% of the world’s population uses herbal remedies to treat common illnesses and diseases!
In many cases, these natural supplements are just as effective as prescription medications, but without the side effects. In this post, we’ll explore some of the reasons why herbal supplements are preferable to prescription drugs.
1. Herbal Supplements Are Safer (Fewer Side-Effects)
Many over-the-counter and prescription medications have unpleasant side effects that just aren’t worth it! For example, antidepressants may help treat depression , but they can also cause fatigue, insomnia, dry mouth , and weight gain . Similarly, pain medications can help treat severe or chronic pain associated with a variety of conditions. But these medications often have side effects such as dizziness , nausea, vomiting, and constipation . Most people would prefer to deal with the original complaint without worrying about additional symptoms.
Herbal supplements, on the other hand, tend to be much safer than prescription medications. For example, acupuncture has been shown to reduce fibromyalgia symptoms by 70%. And in a recent study , people reported significant improvements in overall well-being and pain after receiving acupuncture treatments for chronic back pain .
In fact, acupuncture is one of the most effective treatment options for chronic pain! This makes sense because acupuncture naturally stimulates the body to release endorphins, which reduce pain and promote relaxation. Acupuncture provides a perfect example of how herbal supplements work with your body instead of forcing it to change (as prescription medications do).
Unfortunately, many herbal remedies have not been studied or regulated in clinical trials. Because of this lack of research, it can be tough to tell which herbal supplements are effective and which ones aren’t. But here’s a little secret…
2. Conventional Medicine DOES NOT Have A Monopoly On Evidence-Based Treatment!
People often think that prescription drugs are the only types of treatment that have been tested and confirmed to be effective. But this is simply NOT TRUE! In fact, a recent study published in the Journal of Alternative Medicine looked at nearly 500 clinical trials published between 2000-2008. This study compared these clinical trials to their matching herbal remedies. The results of this study showed that the majority (62%) of herbal remedies had at least one trial showing significant improvements in symptoms!
Most people don’t know this but medical doctors often turn to alternative therapies when conventional treatments aren’t helping. In fact, many doctors are starting to recommend herbal supplements instead of prescription medications.
3. Herbal Supplements Are Less Expensive
Prescription drugs are extremely expensive! It’s no secret that American healthcare costs are out-of-control , and the prices for prescription drugs aren’t helping. For example, in 2013 one company ( Turing Pharmaceuticals ) bought rights to a drug called Daraprim and increased the annual price from $13.50 to $750 per tablet!
The cost of medications is increasing every year , making it more difficult than ever for people to get their prescriptions filled. And this isn’t just true in America… Many developed nations are experiencing similar problems with prescription drug costs .
Herbal supplements, on the other hand, are a fraction of the price . In fact, many herbal treatments can be found in your local grocery store for about $20! It’s also important to remember that you don’t need a prescription from a doctor to purchase herbal supplements. This means that people have complete control over their treatment options and costs.
4. Conventional Treatment Can Have Unpleasant Side-Effects
In addition to being expensive, conventional drugs have unpleasant side effects that just aren’t worth it ! For example, antidepressants may help treat depression , but they can also cause fatigue, insomnia, dry mouth , and weight gain . Similarly pain medications can help treat severe pain, but they often cause serious side effects like nausea and impaired motor function.
Herbal supplements, on the other hand, are natural and tend to be much safer than prescription medications. They work in a safe and gentle way that is compatible with your body.
About the Authors
Society’s Voice advocates for Naturopathic treatments for a variety of physical and mental disabilities. Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of primary health care that emphasizes prevention and the self-healing process through the use of natural therapies. We know that the efficacy of naturopathic medicine dates back to the 1890s, and are heartened to see naturopathic medicine undergo a rapid increase in public interest in recent years as a result of the growing consumer movement to solve the healthcare puzzle using prevention, wellness and respect for nature’s inherent healing ability.
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