11 Natural Allergy Cures From A Naturopathic Perspective

Allergies can be a real pain. When your nose is constantly running, you’re feeling congested and your eyes are itching, it’s hard to think about anything else. If you’ve tried all the over-the-counter medicines that promise to relieve symptoms but they haven’t worked for you, then it might be time to explore natural remedies. In this post, we’ll cover 11 of the most effective allergy cures from a naturopathic perspective. From simple lifestyle changes like eating more garlic or hanging out in nature, to more intense treatments like acupuncture or homeopathy – there’s something here for everyone! And if none…

6 Different Naturopathic Techniques To Treat Depression

Many people suffer from depression, and it can be hard to find a solution. This is because there are many factors that lead to the development of this condition. Depression also has many symptoms which makes it difficult for one person or even trained professionals to diagnose someone with depression. Luckily, naturopathic medicine offers 6 different techniques for treating depression: acupuncture, herbs and supplements, diet and lifestyle changes, bodywork therapies like massage therapy and chiropractic adjustments, mindfulness techniques such as yoga and meditation, counseling sessions with a licensed therapist who specializes in mental health treatment (psychiatrist), or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).…

What Should You Look For In A Naturopathic Doctor?

A doctor’s job is to diagnose and treat patients, but this can be difficult when there are no physical symptoms. Naturopathic doctors (NDs) take a more holistic approach to medicine by looking at the whole person: body, mind, and spirit. They consider all aspects of lifestyle before deciding on a diagnosis and treatment plan because they understand that health encompasses every aspect of life. This unique perspective helps NDs recognize patterns in their patients’ lives so they can offer them personalized support for both acute conditions and long-term wellness goals. A naturopath is someone trained in the art of natural…

Categorized as Naturopathy

How Do You Determine If Naturopathic Medicine Is Right For Your Family?

Naturopathic medicine is not a cookie-cutter approach. It’s about getting to know your family, their needs and desires, and then tailoring the healthcare they need to them as an individual. There are many factors that go into this process, but one of the most important things you should consider is: do you want medication or a natural remedy? Naturopathic doctors can offer both options for treatment. So how do you determine if naturopathic medicine is right for your family? Read on to find out! What is the difference between medications and natural remedies? Medications are chemicals that can be synthetically…

Categorized as Naturopathy